Home Lighting

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Home Lighting

Home Lighting


At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

powdery mildew has also been linked to �sick building syndrome�, which describes situations in which the health and comfort of people is effected by time spent in a certain building or room, where there is no obvious cause.

Unless you experience symptoms that seem to be location dependant you probably don�t need to worry too much for the time being. However, mold spores, which are benign by themselves and found practically everywhere, can propogate wildly active colonies when exposed to an amply moist environment.

This effect is very common with flooding, which is why it is of pressing importance to ensure that a flooded house is cleaned up and dried out thoroughly before mold is allowed to proliferate. In the case that you are experiencing chronic symptoms in your home or work environment, the best course of action is to contact a professional that knows how to seek and eliminate fungal growth.


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